Thursday, January 14, 2010

WAGILE Methodology

Wagile Methodology? I know I can see your expression, what is Wagile Methodology; well it is the latest in a series of testing methodologies. It is the type of testing that is done by most companies and they don’t even recognize it. It has never been made official, and it is quickly forgotten when asked what testing methodology do you follow?

I’ve worked at many companies where Wagile was the methodology of choice. The companies believed that if they were to use Wagile, development would go faster and smoother thus creating customer delight with the speed at which they would get new features to the customer. Yes, Wagile is the methodology of choice.

In all these companies who have chosen Wagile as their methodology, it was usually done after living forever in waterfall. These companies have individuals who have read a few books on a new methodology (agile), usually the reading is skimming, thus becoming the resident expert on this new methodology, who determines that this is the environment they want to move to, so the resident expert gets others to buy in, and why not, anything is better than what we have, which is the common feeling about waterfall. So with great effort to move forward, the institution of daily scrums are begun with teams of 20 to 30 people – so no one feels left out – where everyone tells about what they did yesterday, and what their plans are for today. In reality these comments sound like – I worked on this yesterday and will continue to do the same today, followed by the next individual stating ditto, or same here, until all have thus report their efforts. Yes, Wagile is the methodology of choice.

As the Wagile methodology is used, sprint planning meetings are held for an hour or so, and guessimates are given so project manager can put an air tight schedule together which is never shared. Burn-down charts are created, but seldom use, dashboards are developed but never seen, and as the unknown deadline approaches there is panic among the project management team. Yes, Wagile is the methodology of choice.

Wagile’s benefits just never seem to appear as the proponents of Wagile have articulated. Wagile projects usually end with blame being casted, fingers being pointed, and root-cause analysis being done with an agenda to fix blame. Managers in the Wagile environment feel the need to protect their turf, build up kingdoms, or look for greener pastures elsewhere. Many, however, stay to fight the good fight, in hopes of a better future. Yes, Wagile is the methodology of choice.

So if you are looking to move away from Waterfall to something that will create a world of difference in your company. Come and join us in our Wagile world, it is an experience you will always remember, and regret. Yes, Wagile is the methodology of choice.

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